Enterprise Metals Limited – EM Conductor Located at Vulcan Prospect

October 2015

Vortex Geophysics conduct the high powered surface EM survey that defines an excellent conductor.

ASX Announcements

EM Conductor Located at Vulcan Prospect – Doolgunna WA

Exploration Update, Drilling Vulcan West Target, Doolgunna

Vulcan West Copper Prospect DHEM Results

Talisman Mining Limited / Sandfire Resources NL Discovery of Monty

May 2015

Vortex Geophysics conduct the high powered DHEM on hole SPD021 that lead to the discovery of Monty near Degrussa in WA.

See ASX Announcement.

Panoramic Resources – High Grade Mineralisation intersected at Lanfranchi.

January 2015

Vortex Geophysics conduct underground DHEM on hole SMT366 that leads to the positioning of hole SMT373A that intersects high grade mineralisation down plunge of the Schmitz orebody.

ASX Announcements

High Grade Mineralisation interesected at Lanfranch.

Lower Schmitz shapes up for Lanfranchi

Geophysical Surveys for BHP Billiton, Nickel West


Vortex Geophysics held the contract for geophysical exploration in the Leinster / Mt Keith region from late 2010 until the completion of the project in 2013. This involved having crews on site continually for down hole electromagnetic logging as well as completion of other surveys including surface acquisition with low temperature squids and Samson total field. Vortex was part of the team that discovered the high grade Venus nickel deposit near Leinster.

Geophysical Surveys for BHP Billiton, Mineral Exploration in the West Musgraves


Vortex Geophysics conducted geophysical exploration at the West Musgraves from 2008 until the completion of the project in 2012. Surveys included:

  • 380 line kilometres of moving loop electromagnetics,
  • 2,500 line kilometres of fixed loop electromagnetics,
  • 328 line kilometres of 3D induced polarization,
  • 48,000 metres of down hole electromagnetics and
  • 13,000 metres of down hole induced polarization.